Marketing Your Law Firm
By Violette Bishai.
Marketing is vital to a law firm’s success. Marketing helps prospect clients understand why products and services are better than, or different from, the competition. Marketing, done correctly, helps the growth and development of services to meet the needs of each target audience.
As more established firms come to understand the power of branding and differentiating their firms’ services, it’s gradually becoming easier for other firms to see the value in it.
Co-Founder and President of Momentum Funding, Elizabeth Pekin travels frequently nationwide. She speaks at a variety of conferences on the power of growing your business and being an entrepreneur.
Elizabeth speaks about strategic brand advocating. Most attorneys are skilled at advocating for others. When the time comes to advocate for themselves and their business, they find it uncomfortable.
Why is marketing so vital to success?
Information: Marketing is helpful to client education. The aim is to relay service and product knowledge to the target audience. In order to pursue a product or service, an audience must at least have an understanding of what it is and how it works. Marketing can be an effective way to communicate product and service value to the audience in a unique and creative way.
Engagement: Audience engagement allows for relationship development. Similar to the way face-to-face interactions are made at restaurants and hotels, engagement through social media platforms allows for your audience to get to know you. It allows for them to see you and hear your voice. This can be through podcasts, blogs, social posts, webinars, etc. etc.
Sales: Marketing drives sales. A firm can have the most excellent service and specialize in various types of cases, but if the audience has no way of knowing about it, how would the firm continue to thrive? The bottom line of any company is to generate business and to continue in growth. Marketing is an important strategy to ensure the growth of your business.
When it comes to marketing your law firm, Elizabeth encourages each firm to focus on what makes them different, “Focus on your story. The rest will follow.”